Is Your Website ADA Compliant? . . . AND Why is it Important?

Website owners are being targeted and sued for a law they are ignorant of
. . .It’s the ‘ADA’ act which requires businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities in ALL their web content.

Don't Risk A Costly Lawsuit - Become ADA Compliant Today

Our monthly service instantly makes your website
ADA compliant without costly redesigns!*
Only $12.50 monthly plus one-time $199 setup fee**
Click Here To Become ADA Compliant Today
ADA provides that web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies . . .

Note: The law provides no time for a company to take action before a lawsuit is filed, and it offers no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed!

Click Here To Become ADA Compliant Today

Guess What . . . ADA is Great For Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Too!

Becoming ADA compliant simply means making your site more accessible . . .

Did you know that having an accessible website is so important
that Google gives it more relevance than one that isn’t accessible?

So by not having an accessible website for disabled people,
you could be losing out on a ton of potential customers
which means losing out on more potential revenue.

Just another reason to get your web content to be ADA Compliant now!
Web Accessibility Policy Statement
*Please Note:No system, including ours will make your website 100% ADA Compliant. A service such as ours is considered an excellent first step. The key to help prevent a lawsuit under the ADA is to have your website be as close to error free as possible, if not entirely error free, when scanned by a third party compliance tool, and to have an active process for web accessibility so that your digital offerings are equally available to all, regardless of disability. The important thing is to be accessible to all people equally. Our system works to make you more compliant than nothing at all and to provide better web accessibility for the impaired, quickly, easily and inexpensively. We’re not lawyers and we do not provide legal advice regarding the AMA. Even if you use our tool (or any third party system such as this) you still may need to perform some necessary on-page coding to establish a more complete ADA coverage on your website to be fully protected. In addition, depending on your exposure and traffic, type of business and other factors, you may need to establish even more robust protocols or processes to insure equal access to all and protect your business from potential lawsuits. As well you should always seek your own legal advice and make your own decisions on matters such as this. For the same reason we offer such a comprehensive service as this for such a low price compared to our competitors, we can also help you navigate this process and avoid wasting thousands of dollars on unnecessary work. As one example, for a small fee, generally a few hundred dollars, we help our clients to mitigate and clear most if not all other errors on their website that any third party reporting tool would reveal. This is the same service others are charging thousands for. They are playing on fear and intimidation to charge so much. Whereas, we’ve built our business (Adtastic Hosting and Internet Services) helping small businesses compete effectively and profit on the Internet at the lowest possible cost.
**Monthly price of our service is based upon an annual purchase.
c2021-2024 All Rights Reserved is a service provided by Adtastic Hosting and Internet Services, LLC